Pick of the Litter: Scientists Find Chemical Linked with Suppressing Unwanted Thoughts

The ‘Hound is sniffing out cool innovations for you!


Julie Zuzek “the Corporate Yogi” and I have been friends for nearly a decade, and I have often tried to apply her approach to the “entrepreneur mindset” over the course of my own founder journey. I had a chance to recently listen to her podcast series on co-founders. Read More.

Multiplicity’s What’s Cool Weekly

Scientists Find Chemical Linked with Suppressing Unwanted Thoughts

Liquid Metal Alloy Mimics Electric Circuit Properties

Bring Your Keyboard into Your VR!

Deal Negotiator’s Handbook:

When is it Time to Change Your Corporation’s Name?

Pick of the Litter


Medical Marijuana in the Workplace


This Guy is Leading an Education Revolution

North of 41

Tech4SickKids Initiative

Shake paws with us at these upcoming events:

November 20th, YEDI’s Not For Profit Track 2017, in North York, ON





Written by Alva.