Deal Negotiator's Handbook #1

Working From Home - Day 55:

"I'm never going to complain about my commute ever again."

- Thomas, our sales guy.

🙇 Free Events (Online, Of Course!)

Our team's constantly releasing more free, online workshops! This month, we're hosting events relating to Founder Matters (free!), Customer Agreements (free!), Reseller Agreements (free!), as well as private, one-to-one Ask Me Anything sessions (paid).

Check out some of the new workshops we've released.

📶 Remote Working Hacks

Trello Hacks for Remote Project Management

Working remotely is something many of us are now well-versed in. And while it certainly is difficult on a variety of fronts, there are tools out there that you may find helpful. Our team thought we'd share some tips and tricks on using Trello to facilitate remote work.

🤖 AI Commentary

Lessons Learned on the Hidden Bloat of AI and ML Tech

Whether it’s an image recognition app, a fraud detection app or many of the possible use cases for AI or ML, when picturing the “robots” that will be replacing jobs and changing industries, it’s the leanest and fittest that will survive. Check out our founder, Rajah Lehal's, article on some of the lessons we've learned from processing massive amounts of text.

💹 Deal-Closing Automations

CRM Transformation - From Spreadsheet to Scaling

Many tech companies actively try to automate their sales teams and, if done properly, scaling milestones become easier and easier to hit. But a lot of hard work goes into building out those processes that you hope will automate your sales functions. Check out our article on how our team transitioned from spreadsheets to CRMs, and how we leveraged the powers of both to hit our scaling goals.

📚 Deal Negotiator's Handbook 

Standstill Agreement Overview and Template (Free!)

Our team is noticing a lot of talk around Standstill Agreements these days. Understandable, many dealmakers find themselves in a start-stall-stop-restart cycle. Check out the link above to get a better understanding of how Standstill Agreements work, to protect your bargaining position and to draft your own!

Supporting Entrepreneurs, Closing Deals

DealPrep all-access licenses to our massive contract template library, 2,500+ founder Q&As and members-only workshops start at just $50/year - find out more here.

Book Expert AMAs


Book an AMA session with the lawyers who drafted our contracts. Solidify your contracts with document review AMAs starting at $45.


Book an AMA session here!

DealPrep's Negotiator's Journey explores ideas around law, AI, sales and deal-making technologies to support business executives of every size and scale. Our team's been helping our clients with technology-assisted document review and have lots of insights to share.