Pick of the Litter: Absolutely Pure Water Doesn't Exist!

The ‘Hound is sniffing out cool innovations for you!


So you have an idea. It starts in your head and your excitement leads you to bring it to the world…Read More.

Multiplicity’s What’s Cool Weekly

Absolutely Pure Water Doesn’t Exist

“Hearing” Your Own Brain Waves Helps with PTSD

Cryptocurrency Expert Kidnapped and Held for Ransom for $1 Million in Bitcoin

Deal Negotiator’s Handbook:

Common Binding Terms in a Letter of Intent

Pick of the Litter

How Ben Zifkin Plans to Move the Needle for Toronto Companies


In Baltimore, Giving Up Hope Is Not an Option

University-Industry Liason Office

New Training Opportunity - Entreinvestor Training Program

Shake paws with us at these upcoming events:

January 10th, Global Start-Up Missions, winning participants win a free 2-week training program in Israel!





Written by Alva.